Since we founded Green Buffalow in 2015, we've been on a mission to create the best fitting, most comfortable wildland uniforms. At our core, believe that all bodies deserve to have uniforms that truly fit. We also know the right fitting gear can make all the difference in being able to work safely and efficiently.
There are over 10,000 women (read: badasses) on the front lines of fire, and they're wearing uniforms made for men. The uniform size chart for manufacturers hasn't been updated since the late 1980s/early 1990s. There are no size specs for women's upper torso garments, and the lower torso garments are nearly a mirror image of the men's torso, resulting in ill-fitting garments. Trust us, we could talk about this all day long. We've served on sizing committees, we've petitioned, we've asked, we've begged.
That's where we come in, using our professional backgrounds in technical and apparel design to rip it all up and start from scratch, creating a uniform that truly fits, feels comfortable, and moves with the body instead of against it.
Since our inception, we've been self-funded. Every penny we've made has gone back into the business for fabrics, manufacturing, shipping, etc. If we're being honest, we barely pay ourselves and we still keep other jobs on the side to continue to pump profits into Green Buffalow. We're not telling you this as some sob story - quite the contrary. We've sold all of our inventory each season and still have customers who wish to order but we don't have enough stock.
About our Campaign
We're raising $50,000 on IFundWomen to scale our production so we can meet demands for women in fire. Is this a lot of money? Yes. Is this a lofty goal? 100%. Do we believe in our product and our community enough to get there? No doubt.
We'll admit, we're not ones to ask for help. We hate being the center of attention and we’re transparent as all get out. We wanted to share a few details about our campaign, what we’re seeking funding for, and how you can help us.
Curious for More Details?
We've got 'em. Have a question not answered below? We'll be glad to chat, shoot us an email.
What does 'scale your production' mean? Simply put, it takes a lot of money to buy fabrics, get them sewn to our specs which happens right here in the U.S.A.. Scaling our production means we'll be able to purchase more materials to create more inventory than we've been able to do in the past, which means more available inventory for you. Here's a breakdown of how our funds will be utilized:

Does any of this money go in your pockets? A very small amount. This business is truly our passion and has been a labor of love. Long term we’ll pay ourselves a living wage for the work we pour into this business, but our focus is scaling our production at this time.
Do you provide rewards for those who fund your campaign? Yes! Ones we’ve poured a ton of time into curating, trying to ensure we’re giving rewards people want, need, and that reflect our vision and mission. We’ve got some amazing rewards for each level of giving! See them here. We also know not everyone can give. We’re grateful for those who can, but also just need help in spreading awareness of our campaign, so share share share!
Will you be creating men’s uniforms? Absolutely. We’ve been focused on perfecting women’s garments, launching them, and producing enough to supply the demand. While we talk a lot about the need for women, more men than we can count have reached out requesting a Green Buffalow Men’s Uniform. Scaling our production also helps us get closer to this goal!
Why IFundWomen? That’s an easy one for us to answer. We believe in IFundWomen’s mission, which is closing the funding gap for women-owned businesses. Additionally, IFundWomen allows us to keep all funds raised, even if we don’t meet out goal. Did you know, women are starting businesses 4.8 times faster than the national average, but women struggle to access capital without going into debt? IFundWomen believes that nobody should go into debt funding the early days of a business. IFundWomen provides a platform for women-led businesses to access capital through online fundraising, access to small business grants, expert coaching, and industry connections. See more about IFundWomen and their amazing mission and programs.